Saving money on online bookings.

Few tips I wanted to share.

I actually save bunch on money on doing some research regarding online promotions with online booking sites.

There are 2 major ways of saving money (except of the obvious one: always compare prices and go for better value for money;):

1. Promotion/discount codes

2. Cashback deals


The first one is pretty straight forward: you go to sites such as booking. com or whatever you find out there, make you selections (flights, hotels, car etc) and at the check out (on the screen where you are supposed to put in your credit card details) there is a field called: promo code/discount code.

Now, there are million sites on the internet that ‘provide’ these codes – but their accuracy can’t be guaranteed… The only 100% sure way on getting up to date discount codes is to… simply subscribe to the site’s newsletter. You’ll be getting some emails every now and then, but sometimes they will send you a promo code (that usually give’s 10% discount). One can say – 10% ain’t much – but when you actually add up all of the spendings 10% can produce some nice saving.

Most recent discount/promo code for is: HCAUT9. (Got it sent to me just the other day)

Terms are simple: book by 30.10.2011, travel by 30.06.2012

Obviously there are some T&C that apply (as in code is not valid for all the deals on their site), but it’s always worth a try.

I’ll update this post if I get in possession of  other codes.


Saving tip no 2: cash back.

You can sign up for sites such as , register, and enjoy cash back on your online purchases.

The mechanism of their business is explained here. and the list of participating travel companies is here.

I personally received €55 on my booking through, again, (12% of my purchase).


This way or another – it pays to do some research and save money (especially if you are booking for a longer stays, where you spend more).


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