Few more Thai photographs – Krabi (Ao Nang) and Phi-Phi

We gotten back home this morning. It was a good holiday. Very good actually, but it felt like it was enough and it was time for us to get back.

Luckily despite all the traveling around (Dublin -Abu Dhabi – Bangkok – Suran Thani – Koh Samui – Krabi – Ao Nang – Phi Phi – Phuket – Bangkok – Abu Dhabi – Dublin) using all sorts meanings of transportation (cars, planes, Taxis, Tuk-Tuks, Sleeper Train, buses, Elephants, scooters, boats, long tail boats)   none of our luggage got lost, however I managed to lose my voice somehow (hopefully only temporarily) and got food poisoned once (it is ok now, although I’ve spend 1.5 days vomiting) . For now  though it feels as I’d have a colony of aliens living in my throat.. I blame air conditioning…

I’ve managed to upload some more photos .

1. Krabi (Ao Nang) and activities we’ve done there (Whitewater drafting, all terrain vehicle driving and others.

2. Phi phi – sightseeing, snorkeling, but mostly diving. Pity I have so few photos from that activity, however I’m hoping to receive a video recorded by one of our instructors during the trip.

In terms of scuba diving. We’ve only done Discover Scuba Diving with http://www.vikingdiversthailand.com/ – really cool people – if you ever in Thailand and want to scuba dive – go to Phi Phi – go with them. You wont get disappointed 🙂

So DSD is a half day activity – starting at 7am finishing before 2pm. It’s aimed at people who never done nothing remotely even related to scuba diving and want to find out if they like it a reasonably low cost (around 80 in that case) with really close to what you get once you have your PADI certs. We’ve done total of 2 dives , separated by lunch brake. First was shorter – as shallow water skills learning was a part of it – safety stuff , hand signals, clearing the mask, putting your breathing device to your mouth underwater and stuff like that. Then we went down to 10m for some 30 mins.

2nd dive at a different site aiming to find sea turtles – which we’ve succeeded on. Found 3 of them. Magnificent animals! Dive lasted for some 45 mins with max depth approx 11meters (we were allowed to go to max of 12m).

Truly amazing. If we only knew we gonna like it so much we’d planned the trip around diving, as you need 4-5 days to complete PADI Open Water Course. Price is v good as well – around 350e – where in Dublin from what I’ve checked you must pay twice as much and of course waters are much colder.

Anyway, that’s it for now. I prolly should hit the bed now as our trip was actually 30h and I havent slept that much.

Enjoy the photos.


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