Tag: poland

  • Definitely in the mood…

    Definitely in the mood…

    …for some more  sports climbing. Yesterday we went to Sokoliki, a climbing crag in the Sokole Gory (part of Sudety Mountains), near where Monika’s from. We had a pleasure to meet up with Grzegorz and Patrycja, who drove from Katowice region to climb with us. There were also some none climbers with us – Monika’s sister’s…

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  • The Land of Extinct Volcanoes

    is the ‘nickname’ of the area we visited today. Millions of years ago the extracting from underground magma froze and created many interesting shapes. You can find more information about the greater region here and here. We had a half a day to spare, and set our heads towards mysterious, and relatively new (in bolted climbing terms) Diablak, a…

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