Day 5  – 65 Degrees North, Detifoss, Hverir and Lake Myvatn

We are at the north now. Deep North.It’s considerably colder here. I mean its proper “brace yourselves, winter is comming cold”. We are about 1 deg south of the arctic circle which in 2016 runs 66°33′46.3″ north of the equator. Daytime temp is below 10c. Nightime falls to mere 2C. In August. Some of our group are less than impressed by that fact. Not only because at these temps Nutella is rock solid. 😉

Anyway we started the day with a trip to …the moon. Kind of. Landscape suggested it was a different world altogether. Some 30km of muddy, potholed gravel road took us to the Europe’s most powerfull waterfall – Detifoss.

It is absolutely worth the long drive. The sights are unreal. The volume of water falling is just huge. It does pay off once again to have 4 wheel drive car (although we ve seen people driving up with small compact cars, which wouldnt have been insured on this kind of road though).

From there we drove further west (well after getting back those 30km to the main road) to the amazing area of Hevrir.

It’s a complex of muddy pools and whistle like craters shooting steam. 

Even though it’s in the same region as the massive fall of Detifoss, the landscape is dramaticy different. It truly looks like surface of the Mars there.

There is 400m tall hill, Hverir (seen above) with a steep trail that leads to the top, and then around it back to the carpark, for even better views. It  makes for nice 1h walk. (can be very slipper after rain though). As I said, views from the top are breathtaking. 

From there its only stone’s throw to one of the best hot springs in the country – Myvatn Nature Baths

People I spoke to say  that if you are in the north you have to visit (and we have). It’s 10 times less busy (there was still some 200 people on the premises.I can only imagine the volumes Blue Lagoon are handling at once) and doesnt have the feel of crowded, commercial overrun tourists attraction.

We spent some 2.5 hours there. Money well spent (some 30euro per person).

It was getting late so we quickly drove of to our camp for the night by the lake Myvatn. Another great place. Good facilities with gas provided kitchenette. I gave the good old Kelly Kettle a break and we cooked on gas. 

Time to go to bed. Tomorrow we are moving west some 200km, hoping to do some nice short walks in between. The forecast looks decent. There are even some predictions for northern lights. We shall see…

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