Canada – Day4 – Lake Louise Falls – WI4

Yet another epic day – completely different than yesterday, when we were pretty much done by lunch time.

Today we got up as usual at 7am, I made my famous eggs and bacon, and by 9.30 we were gearing up at the car park. Lake Louise is based around 1h drive from Canmore.

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The approach is super easy – essentially walk the trail by the lake – you can almost  see the fall from the moment you leave the car park.

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Strava approach and elevation gain link:

Detailed route description can be found here:

In short – it’s an amazing WI4/5 (depending on conditions) multipitch – up to 120m – that can be done in anything between 2 and 4 pitches. Biggest risk involve falling debris – which one party ahead of us seen first hand.

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Big chunk of falling ice cut Kasia’s (that we met climbing with her boyfriend) eyebrow pretty deep. Luckily I had a first aid kit and could fix  her up before she continued her adventure on the last pitch.

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But to get there one has to climb 3 pitches of fantastic ice up to amazing ice cave.

Big shout-out to Del for leading the cave pitch (pitch 3) – absolute amazingballs!

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Leaving the cave:

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I must say though that for me, personally the most physically challenging was overhanging ice of pitch 2 leading to the cave – especially the top part of it  – lead by Paddy: good job on that.

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I should have really lead the 4th pitch – easy WI3 – but by the time I finished fixing up Kasia, it was already claimed. My bad really. I still enjoyed the day – probably the best so far.

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Us at the bottom leaving the climb. We took the right hand side line – with the cave seen 3 quarters up the route.

Ret of the photos from that day are here:



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