Tag: sports

  • Bonus Days in Sicily – long report!!

    Bonus Days in Sicily – long report!!

    On Monica’s and Michal’s last full day in Sicily Rob and I set out very late for climbing. At around 12.30pm we reached our chosen sector near the camp site El Bahira, called Torre Isulidda. That was also very convenient for my friend Grainne, who stayed on this campsite with her family. After Rob and I…

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  • More heat. Day 6.

    It’s almost impossible yo climb these last few days. Today was no different with temperatures around 30C. We left quite early (for our standards) to beat the traffic (San vito climbing festival started yesterday) and sun but none of that worked.  We returned to the crag we’ve been to on day 2, just moved further…

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  • Bunker vol2 – fighting the heat. Day 4.

    It was an easy call to return to the bunker sector today. Endless climbing in great setting. The bigger problem though was the heat. It was super hot today.  Much hotter than the previous days. We started at SW facing part of yhe sector, left from Sonja and Rob where climbing yesterday. I’ve onsighted warmup…

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  • Bunker -Day3

    Bunker is one of the sectors in impressive Scigliera di Salinella Centro.  crag one can easly spend few weeks on. The crag is less than 2km from our place and makes a for a great climbing spot with 168 routes between 3 and 8b (46 of them are in 5a-c  grade with further 86 in…

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  • Cala Mancina – White Wall. Day 2.

    To be honest yesterday was so travel oriented that I just should call it day 0. The real climbing started today. I fotgot already how much fun limestone is. It just eats up skin on your hands. For the  trip’s warmup number 2 we visited the first sector (north facing so in nice shadow) of…

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  • Thunder climbs. Sicily day 1.

    Long day today. The time has come for our annual sport climbing trip. We got upround 4am to catch 7.20 flight to Palermo. This year the team are Rob T., Sonja F., Monika and I.  Destination San Vito lo Capo. It all went smooth until we landed… The car rental office for the car company…

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  • Bell Rock, co. Wicklow

    Bell Rock, co. Wicklow

    Jirka is a type of a person that doesn’t like to sit idle. There is always something going on, and it tends to be unique. During last week’s trip to The Burren we were already discussing what to do following weekend. He told me about this mythical, unique place in co. Wicklow – Bell Rock.…

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  • Definitely in the mood…

    Definitely in the mood…

    …for some more  sports climbing. Yesterday we went to Sokoliki, a climbing crag in the Sokole Gory (part of Sudety Mountains), near where Monika’s from. We had a pleasure to meet up with Grzegorz and Patrycja, who drove from Katowice region to climb with us. There were also some none climbers with us – Monika’s sister’s…

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  • The Land of Extinct Volcanoes

    is the ‘nickname’ of the area we visited today. Millions of years ago the extracting from underground magma froze and created many interesting shapes. You can find more information about the greater region here and here. We had a half a day to spare, and set our heads towards mysterious, and relatively new (in bolted climbing terms) Diablak, a…

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