Tag: trad

  • From Wicklow with love.

    From Wicklow with love.

    When last night I suggested on our WhatsApp group a field trip to Glendalough it was just a loose idea that I hopped for to spark some interest. To my great joy Sonja responded first and within couple of minutes we were setup to meet around 8.30am outside my place. Derek said he will make an…

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  • Fair Head and other Northern Adventures.

    Fair Head and other Northern Adventures.

        It finally happened. I managed to convince people (well, it took zero convincing this time, the team was more motivated than I) and climb in Fair Head. It was my (and Tereza’s) first ever trip there – while for Jirka it was a return after 8 years of absence. So there we were, yet again…

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  • Time is running out.

    Time is running out.

    Jirka got a very good job offer back home in Czech, so we got only have 3 weeks before he’s moving out of the country again. I’m very happy for him, but also sad to lose yet another climbing partner. With Conor moved to the UK, Andrew moved to the Middle East, Derek&Padraig move to no-climbing-land…

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  • Back to The Burren

    Back to The Burren

    It’s rather sad that I didn’t do any real outdoor climbing for almost a month. One or two outings to Dalkey, nothing special. I’ve spent most of the time at Awesome Walls, at work or watching Euros. I was very happy when last week Jirka said he was keen to go to The Burren, co. Clare –…

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  • Sunday Glendalough is a busy Glendalough…

    Sunday Glendalough is a busy Glendalough…

    …unless you are a climber, and you go there on a June BH Sunday! Literally everyone we normally see there are either in Donegal, Fair Head, or some other places like Kerry, or Lake District – making Glenda walls today empty like a graveyard after dark. PG and I decided to take advantage of the situation…

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  • Some HVS fun.

    We weren’t even planning on climbing on Sunday (having spent most of Saturday in the quarry), but it happened that the weather was still nice, so we went to see what’s going on. We run into PG, Sonja and Diarmuid, and it was all thanks to him, who send me on the path of Dalkey…

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  • No room for mistakes

    No room for mistakes

    … when you want to lead GARGOYLE GROOVE DIRECT (*** 16m E1 5b). Some say the Direct finish is better and actual easier than the classic (HVS) right hand side mantle.   Yesterday seen my very first attempt on it. From climbing random For now, the route beat me, but I’l be back. One day. We…

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  • “This mountain is too big!”

    “This mountain is too big!”

    … said no one ever about any Irish mountain. Carrauntoohil standing 1038m tall was the ‘main event’ of our most recent trip. And so last weekend, Sonja, Padraic, Monika and I headed over to Kerry. The plan was simple – leave Dublin on Friday early afternoon, setup a ‘base camp’ at Cronin’s Yard and head over…

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  • Good Firday Dalkey Quarry season opening

    Kind of… (since Monika and the girls opened the season on Paddy’s Day), however for me that was the first time this year. It was only us and Magda with  her baby. We showed up a bit early and I lead, one move wonder Hiatus (HS, 4b). Monika quickly followed, with Magda arriving shortly after to warm up…

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